Contact us

We do not have a phone number.

Please email or fill in the contact form if you have any questions that haven’t already been answered on our FAQ page. We will endeavour to respond within 3-5 days. We work full-time as well as run Purrs & Beans so please be patient.

If you’ve filled in the contact form, would recommend keeping an eye on your spam folder as sometimes our replies end up in there for some reason! Please do not send us an email as well as it’s an unnecessary double-up.

NOTE: We are NOT a rescue, we are a cat café. If you have a cat that needs rehoming - whether it’s your own or found on the streets - please contact a rescue.

If you want to spend time with our cats and your group is 6 people or less, please book your spots here.
We highly recommend booking online instead of just showing up on the day as spaces are limited and entry is at set session times.

Looking to adopt? The first step is to meet our foster cats. Check out our adoption process to learn how we run our adoptions.

IMPORTANT: Age restriction applies (10+) which we enforce strictly in line with our SPCA welfare plan. Children 10-14 years old must be booked in with a supervising adult, noting the aforementioned minimum ages. No exceptions will be made.

Our current opening hours are:
NOTE: We are closed Thu 2 May
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 10am - 3.30pm
Friday: 10am - 1.30pm
Saturday: 10am - 3.30pm
Sunday: 10am - 1.30pm

We are not open on public holidays. We reserve the right to close earlier if there are no / low bookings.